Seeking CTO / Technical Co-Founder WAS The Yogi's Social Network

NomadYOGI is looking for a yoga-centered, highly motivated, results-oriented, full-stack developer with front end experience — someone who is capable of leading development, implementation, and maintenance. The ideal candidate is an efficiency nerd who is (or is ready to be) committed to helping yoga teachers and studio owners manage their social and professional lives while empowering these individuals to help others along the yoga path through technology.

About usThis 2min Welcome Video explains what we do. Our goal is to bring people together so they can find what they’re looking for, making it easier for yoga teachers to find students, and easier for students to find high quality teachers to deepen their practice, while avoiding the fluff that permeates this industry. More Yoga, Less Fluff. That may not sound like a vision statement, but it is. Our goal is to elevate the conversation around yoga act as a…

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About NomadYOGI

NomadYOGI is the Yogi's Social Network: A complete web platform designed to explore, organize, and share a yoga-centered life.
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